During this time of international crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Olivet Assembly of Latin America exhorts its member churches and para-churches to support the efforts (whether local or international) to combat the spread of the virus that is causing widespread suffering and death.
The assembly urges its members to spread the message of the gospel of Jesus to those who are in need of it and to comfort those who may be experiencing some of the most challenging moments in their lifetime all while carefully observing the decrees established by the local governments and cooperating in order to continue fighting the spread of the disease.
While witnessing and spreading the message of hope may not be done as it is normally, other electronic means of communication such as the internet or the cellular phone may be used to achieve the same results.
Also, the assembly calls on all of its members to offer incessant prayers of healing so that the almighty God may mercifully restore the health all people who are suffering.
If there are other types of support that are wished to be offered (clothes, food, donations, etc.) the assembly urges its members to get in touch with local entities and charities to coordinate the supply of such.