Weekly Regional Conference: Transforming Goals into Strategies

This Monday, January 13, 2025, the leaders of the region met in the weekly conference led by the Secretary General of the OA South America, Pastor Moisés González, a meeting in which important points were raised in relation to the development expected for this new year.

First, an important guide was given from the headquarters in relation to the South American region. The importance of strengthening communication with the Olivet News Center in Dover was specified, sending selected people who will be given training that will substantially improve reporting capabilities in regional news. The pastor said that this door that is opened will greatly strengthen communication between the central headquarters and the continents. Also, these links that will be sent will greatly bless them in effective performance when returning to the mission field.

Secondly, the need to transform the big goals into strategies was discussed. The important goals of this year were recalled: 1000 families, 2000 pastors and 1000 cities; the pastor also said that the important thing to achieve this is not to sacrifice quality for quantity. For this, the wisdom of the Lord is needed to define objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and with specific deadlines. Pastor Moisés said very excitedly “The goals will be met naturally when the mission grows in a healthy way”, he also said “for this we must evangelize hearts, work on their education and train leaders with Christian character.

To achieve all this, four steps must be firmly established: Define a Mission System, Design a strategy, Divide the goals into smaller and more manageable objectives and Communicate the goals consistently.

At the end, Pastor Moisés asked a question “What should we do to translate the goals and to develop them in my mission fields? For this we must advance with great faith, hope, wisdom and diligence to fulfill these goals. These four requirements are needed to advance and he emphasized that this race is not about speed but about endurance, always trusting in the grace and providence of God, in this way we can have an environment of well-being to work more effectively.