Congregants in different churches in Brazil have recently been seen actively extending invitations to many individuals with the aim of sharing their faith through Bible Studies. They have witnessed an increasing acceptance of onsite or face-to-face encounters which are clear signals that many individuals have left the Covid-mentality of staying inside behind.
“It is really encouraging to see many individuals responding positively to the invitations once again,” shared Nataly Morales who is currently serving mission at Immanuel Church, Brasilia.
Church members in São Paulo have also been seen taking advantage of the increasing willingness of Paulistanos by visiting local universities to form individual and group Bible studies. They share that Brazilians have been more receptive these days than what they have in the months leading up.
For an extended period of time due to the pandemic, the primary way of sharing faith was done via online platforms. Even after the pandemic eased, many members had gotten accustomed to the online approach but local members want to now show that local Brazilians are ready to move past the online limitations and return back to the church pews.