On this Easter Sunday christians all over the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and concurrently meditate on the significance of arguably the most chronicled and talked-about event in the entire history of man-kind.
Celebrating the resurrection of the Son of God who was crucified, killed and then placed in a tomb means praising God who gave new life to His one and only obedient Son that gave his life in order to redeem humanity.
The resurrection testifies to the trust-worthiness and infallible quality of God’s Word which Jesus taught throughout his life.
“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?'” (John 11:25-26)
In these verses, Jesus speaks about the power of God that would be manifested as new life in all those who believed in Him – including those who may have slipped into the realms death. The resurrection of Jesus was an overwhelming proof of just that.
Time and time again, we have seen the redemptive power of Jesus’ life who brings new life to men who have fallen under the shadows of sin. To those who were sentenced to death because of their transgressions, Jesus, a sinless man, became the atoning sacrifice to pay for those transgressions and His resurrection became a validation of His life’s redemptive power.
As a result, all who put their faith in Jesus will ultimately not see death or decay but on the other hand see resurrection and new life.
Today, the resurrection reminds Jesus’ followers of the assurance regarding the power of God over those who follow in the footsteps of Jesus. And even if death may cross upon the lives of believers, the faith and remembrance of Jesus resurrection will bring about courage and confidence to confide in His power to defeat the power of death.
May this Easter be a celebration of God’s power of new life and mastery over death shown through the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Happy Easter!