Olivet Teen Mission headquarters will initiate network with Latin America in hopes to set up a leader who can oversee the region.
In the past, Latin America has been known for being actively involved in Teen Mission as numerous teens joined the various Latin churches. However, one obstacle was the lack of overseeing all the programs, setting up leaders, and creating an organize system for there to be communication between the churches and the OTM HQ. Therefore, setting up a continental leader who can be the bridge between Latin America and the headquarters is very important.
Once the candidate is found and set up, he/she will be responsible of setting up national leaders is the region, receiving training from the OTM HQ and training others, creating a reporting system, and making sure weekly youth services and programs are being held in each local chapter.
The OTM HQ sincerely prays and hopes for this person to be found even one day sooner in order for Teen Mission in Latin America to thrive once again.